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Waste Water 2 Clean Water & Energy

We are associated with World Water Works, Inc. specializes in developing, designing and manufacturing highly efficient process and waste water solutions. These designs emphasize delivering clean water while recovering energy and other resource recovery. Focusing on making the best products possible, utilizing innovative designs and materials, World Water Works delivers innovative products with the best life cycle cost on the market while achieving the best water quality.

World Water Works was incorporated in 1998 recognizing the need for ethical product commitment and continual innovation in technology. Executing these goals with innovative products has enabled World Water Works to establish strong meaningful relationships with our customers by delivering individualized on-going solutions creating rapid return on their investment and best water quality. Staying true to these core values throughout World Water Works’ existence in business has been fundamental in creating a company we’re proud to work for and run and has translated into tremendous growth and success. World Water Works innovative products provide the best water quality for municipal and industrial wastewater treatment.

World Water Works has successfully provided industrial wastewater treatment and municipal treatment solutions for customers on every continent achieving clean water, resource recovery and yielding the highest water quality. We have offices throughout the United States and India. In other parts of the world, World Water Works has selected a few highly skilled partners to support our innovative products and municipal and industrial wastewater treatment solutions in their regions.

One of the most important factors in a company’s success and a project’s success is the team itself. World Water Works has assembled and continues to attract a team of globally recognized technical experts in the field of process and advanced wastewater treatment. To provide the most effective and dynamic municipal and industrial wastewater treatment solutions, World Water Works’ approach is to tackle problems with a diverse team consisting of engineers, scientists, operators, mechanics, electricians, accountants, other specialists. Through this core team and innovative products, World Water Works can achieve wastewater treatment at the highest water quality and maximum resource recovery. The team shares the company’s desire and passion through a common vision to provide meaningful change to our world.

  • 1. Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor MBBR
  • 2. Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF)
  • 3. Waste Water Treatment
  • 4. Industrial Water Solutions
Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor MBBR

Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor MBBR process is a state-of-the-art fixed-film (or attached growth) biological process used for wastewater treatment both municipally and industrially for BOD removal, nitrification and denitrification.

A Moving Bed Biofilm MBBR reactor consists of a tank with submerged but floating plastic (usually HDPE, polyethylene or polypropylene) media having specific gravity less than 1.0. The large surface area of the plastics provide abundant surface for bacterial growth. Biomass grows on the surface as a thin film whose thickness usually varies between 50-300 microns. Medium or coarse bubble diffusers uniformly placed at the bottom of the reactor maintains a dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration of > 2.5-3 mg/L for BOD removal. Higher DO concentrations are maintained for nitrification. To retain the media flowing out of the tank, screens are placed on the downstream walls. A clarifier or a DAF is placed downstream of the MBBR tank to separate the biomass and the solids from the wastewater. No sludge recycle is required for this process.

For denitrification, anoxic Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor MBBR tanks are used. The anoxic tank is similar to aerobic Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor MBBR tank described above except that no oxygen is supplied. The tank contains no diffusers and the media is kept in suspension in the reactor through submersible mixers. Other feature such as the screen is the same as aerobic reactor although the design may be slightly different.

A schematic of the Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor MBBR process for BOD removal and/or nitrification is shown. Wastewater enters the Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor MBBR where the biomass attached to the surface of the media degrades organic matter resulting in BOD removal and/or nitrification depending on the type and characteristic of the wastewater. Organic carbon is converted to carbon dioxide and leaves the system while the ammonia and nitrogen in the organics are converted to nitrates through nitrification process. Oxygen required for the process is provided through the diffusers installed at the bottom of the reactor. The treated wastewater then flows through the screens to the downstream clarifier/DAF where the biomass and solids are separated from the wastewater.

There are more than a thousand Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor MBBR installations worldwide. Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor technology can be used for wastewater treatment for the following industries: food and beverage plants, steel mills, oil refineries, petrochemicals, chemical plants, paper mills and any industries requiring wastewater treatment for BOD removal, nitrification and denitrification.

MBBR technology has become the preferred biological treatment technology because it offers several advantages over the traditional Activated Sludge Process, the most popular technology. Also, because of its lower costs and high treatment quality, MBBR technology is preferred over Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) technology in most cases. One of the sweet spot of MBBR application is in its use as a roughing reactor placed before activated sludge process for high BOD wastewaters. The MBBR reactor shaves off 60-80% BOD and reduces the load to downstream activated sludge process significantly resulting in a very efficient treatment with a lower footprint. Some of the key features of MBBR process are provided below:

  • • Robust – It is stable under load variations, insensitive to temporary limitation and provides consistent treatment results
  • • Efficient – It generates low solids and requires no or minimum polymer for solid/liquid separation
  • • Compact – It requires a small footprint. Typically it requires 1/3rd the space required for Activated Sludge Process.
  • • Cost – It requires a low capital cost and is comparable to cost of Activated Sludge Process. It is cheaper than the MBR process.
  • • Flexible – Existing plants can be upgraded easily with MBBR. New MBBR plants can be upgraded to handle higher loads with no or minimum cost and construction.
  • • Trouble Free- It is easy to operate, has automatic sludge wasting, has no sludge Return and no MLSS, and there no issue of media clogging.

WWW is a leader in MBBR technology and has installed numerous wastewater treatment plants using MBBR technology. World Water Works specializes in the combination of Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor MBBR technology and Dissolved Air Flotation technology for advanced wastewater treatment.

Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF)

World Water Works (WWW) is a leader in DAF technology. Proprietary and Patent Pending features include:

  • • Cross Flow Design – Results in higher residence time and lower footprint
  • • Progressive Water Extraction technology – Results in higher removals and lower footprint
  • • Plate Separation technology – Provides higher surface area for solids removal
  • • Regenerative Turbine System – Creates very fine bubbles of 5-15 microns resulting in high removal efficiency, lower power requirement and lower chemistry
  • • Cone Bottom Sludge Removal – Provides easy sludge removal
  • • Polypropylene Design – Provides resistant against corrosion

Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) technology is the process where suspended solids, oil & greases, and other insoluble impurities are separated from water slurries. The Dissolved Air Flotation process dissolves air into water under pressure. Upon release of the pressure, microbubbles form. These micro-bubbles interact with the particles to cause them to float to the surface of a vessel where they are skimmed and separated. World Water Works develop a remarkable Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) process called the Ideal DAF. Research and development is ongoing and this technology continues to be enhanced on less than an average of every 3 years. The original Ideal Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) system was tested side by side several of the most well known DAFs in the market. It completely outperformed the competition. World Water Works’ seventh generation Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) system completely changes how liquid/solids separation is achieved. Dramatically higher removal efficiencies, lower operational costs, smaller footprint and a longer life-span make the Ideal Dissolved Air Floatation technology revolutionary in the marketplace.

The World Water Works’ Ideal DAF™ can be effectively used to remove TSS, FOG, BOD, COD and other resources and/or resources from a liquid stream. Call World Water Works today to get a quote on a high rate Ideal Dissolved Air Floatation – DAF system.

Waste Water Treatment
  • • Sewage Treatment Plants
  • • Packages STP
  • • Effluent Treatment Plants
  • • Packages ETP
Industrial Water Solutions
  • • Reverse Osmosis (RO) Plants
  • • Ultra Filtration System
  • • Softeners
  • • Multi Grade Sand Filters
  • • Activated Carbon Filters
  • • MB Units
  • • DM Plants
  • • Desalination Plants
  • • Chemical Dosing System
  • • Swimming Pool Treatment
UK India China USA Germany Spain France Italy Russia Brazil Malaysia Thailand South Africa Kenya Tanzania Nigeria

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Product Enquiry: sales@agway.com